These features result in a safe second that can be counted on to perform like new when you need it. The regulator is compact, with a low-profile exhaust deflector that fits easily into BCD pockets and a bright yellow flexible front cover for high visibility in an out-of-air-emergency. The Ti2 Octopus is the same second stage used in the T1 and B2 first and second stage combinations that have received more accolades from the diving press than any other regulator ever built. The only depth activated flow control in the world; the Atomic Aquatics AFC (Automatic Flow Control) automatically adjusts the airflow at depth for natural effortless breathing without having to make external adjustments. The second stage is a balanced linear flow design for extremely easy breathing at all depths and dive conditions. The second stage does have a rapid adjustment knob for rare special situations. The octopus regulator comes with a 36" (91.4 cm) 3/8" threaded low-pressure hose.